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  • How an online summit sparked an entire movement.
  • How astrology changed Amanda’s life and created a foundation for a successful online brand.
  • Three key strategies for creating and sustaining your own online movement.
  • Secrets to finding and building a solid team that is aligned with your purpose and mission.
  • Amanda’s top advice for creating a powerful movement and revolutionary online brand.


  • Learn more about Amanda & Astrology Hub at AstrologyHub.com
  • Click here to download your FREE “Full Moon Essentials: A 7 Step Guide for Managing Emotions, Stress & Overwhelm”.
  • Also, get your $1 trial of Astrology Hub’s Inner Circle by using the discount code: SOUL. Astrology Hub’s Inner Circle is a global community for spiritual growth, lunar forecasts & masterclasses with leading astrologers. Click here to start your trial.
  • Download the transcript from Episode 05 by clicking here (downloads automatically)


The journey of spiritual and personal growth can lead us in directions that we never thought possible. Nevertheless, we have a calling, a passion, and a purpose for a reason. True transformation happens when you make the decision to listen to your intuition,  your heart and to truth where the journey will take you. And sometimes, the greatest business are built not on data & research. Instead, they can be built by listening to the calling within your soul and diving deep within in order to understand what it is you truly want in this life.
“So much of how I got to where I am really has to do with following the calling of my heart” – Amanda Pua Walsh
Building a conscious online brand is rooted in a desire to serve & uplift humanity. And while you may not have all the logistics figured out, that is okay. Because it is your story, your purpose and your soul’s journey that will always lead you in the right direction. And the truth is, building a conscious business is unsustainable unless you have the passion & purpose to back it up. Aligning your soul with your business can lead you to new and uncharted territories. And in Amanda’s case, it was her journey of personal awakening that led her to Astrology. And because of it, she didn’t just create a success online brand but an entire movement.

Amanda “Pua” Walsh, M.S., is the CEO & Co-Founder of Astrology Hub. Inspired by the profound gifts Astrology has provided for her in navigating major life transitions, parenting, relationship dynamics, and personal growth. Amanda is now honored to offer the Astrology Hub as a platform for the tools that Astrology offers to be shared with the world.

She brings her extensive background in business, psychology, media and internet-marketing to the world of Astrology with the intention of making the wisdom accessible, tangible and applicable for those interested in living a purposeful, passionate and harmonious life. Amanda is the former Producer/Host of the online television show, PeleMa TV and radio show, Sacred Commerce. She was the Co-Host of the Mindful Leadership Online Training Conference and is the upcoming Host of the Servant Leadership Conference.



Episode 26: How to Master the Art of Teaching Online

Episode 26: How to Master the Art of Teaching Online

Do you create online courses, memberships sites and the like in order to teach students all over the world? In this episode, Anthony Korahais (Author, teacher, and founder of Flowing Zen) shares his secrets to building a successful membership site in the online world. You will learn how to better engage and teach your clients, how to become a better online teacher and much more.

read more


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In appreciation,

Richard Taubinger, CEO & Host

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