In marketing, an evergreen program gets thrown around a lot like a mythical creature waiting to be discovered. But the challenge of these programs and batch-creating content is that things become irrelevant quickly.
Times are changing rapidly, and people are moving on to the next best thing at lightning speeds. How can you stay relevant and interesting in this currently oversaturated market?
Tune in to this new episode of The Conscious Marketer podcast — Flexible Messaging for Sustained Relevancy with Richard Taubinger and Kylie Slavik.
Key points covered in this episode:
[00:02:53] Add a live component to your base program. Do live Q&As or one-on-one calls with your audience. This allows you to hear their real-time concerns and let them experience what’s working in your service first-hand.
[00:05:07] People don’t want information; they want transformation. With the rise of the Internet, people want your offer packaged uniquely and delivered in a personable way.
[00:08:32] Know what the market is feeling. What is their overall sentiment? Fear? Greed? Pain? Tap into this frequency so you’ll know how to update your messaging in a way that speaks to them.
[00:10:18] Redo your content. Now that you’ve identified the market’s psychology, see what you can change to address their current problems. Go with whatever is working, be nimble, and put service as your top priority.
[00:15:01] Question relevancy every time. For every post you make, check if it’s what people are looking for at the moment. People are looking for a reliable source who can help them navigate present issues. Be the one that they immediately turn to. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.
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