Episode 95: Growing Your Business Through Optimization with Jessica Miller

Aug 3, 2023 | Podcast

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There’s no need to look elsewhere to start scaling.

Growth strategist Jessica Miller guides entrepreneurs like you to streamline your business by optimizing what already works. She helps companies identify their “hell yes” offer and amplify their unique voice in a saturated market.

No more chasing the next trendy offer. It’s time to focus on what lights you up and enhance the existing customer experience.

Tune in to this new episode of The Conscious Marketer podcast — Growing Your Business Through Optimization with Jessica Miller.

Key points covered in this episode:

[00:00:00] Introduction

[00:04:37] Create more by doing less. The things that will take you off your plateau are already in your business! Double down on what’s working on a bigger scale, and the money will follow.

[00:07:37] A “hell yes” offer helps you stand out. This speaks to your target client in a voice that cuts through the noise. It provides a unique solution that they need and are interested in. Most of all, it should be something you like!

[00:11:47] The way you define the problem and solution is your IP. Get clear on why you designed this offer, why it’s important, and why your target needs your help. Market saturation is a myth. You may have common products and services with others, but your energy and the experience you create sets you apart.

[00:15:32] Put your offer in front of your audience! There’s no such thing as a million-dollar idea. Do your own market research and introduce it to the right people – be it in your existing email list or you may have to start from scratch.

[00:19:20] Find the best opportunity for your business. You don’t have to stack multiple offers to hook your audience. Choose one that’s been working, and study what your clients do after they buy your offer or why they reject it.

[00:27:41] Start hiring after automating. So many marketing tasks can be done through software tools. Once you know what you’re left with that tech can’t do, pick the best talent that aligns with your vision.

Jessica Miller is a Growth Strategist that helps ambitious entrepreneurs streamline and grow their businesses by optimizing their offers so that sell themselves and find the gaps in their businesses that can be turned into golden opportunities to produce more sustainable income, repeatable assets, and more time and freedom without working harder. 

After working with dozens of business owners she has seen that the difference between struggling and thriving is having a Hell Yes Offer at the center of the business. Jessica has spoken at The StoryBrand Made Simple Summit, The Maine Women’s Conference, and several others, and is a favorite guest expert in private high-level masterminds and has been a guest on much-loved podcasts like Susan Hyatt’s Rich Coach Club, and The Next On Scene podcast.

💬 Get in touch with Jessica Miller.

Website: https://jessicamillercoaching.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessica-miller-964a9a1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JessicaMillerCoaching/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessicadioguardimiller/?hl=en

It’s Your Offer Podcast: https://jessicamillercoaching.com/podcasts

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